Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What Exactly am I Doing by Dropping Soda?

Soda is not healthy. From  the 10 teaspoons of sugar that shoot your insulin up, to the Artificial Sweeteners which have cause  brain cell damage, to the Phosphoric Acid which triggers accelerated aging, to brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, which builds up in body fat, possibly causing behavioral problems, infertility, and lesions on heart muscles over time, sodas are full of harmful chemicals.

Not only are there many harmful effects of soda, but there no vitamins, nutrients, or protein in soda, making it so it fills you up without adding anything to your body. In fact, if you drink soda, chances are you don't drink enough water and suffer from constant dehydration.

By dropping soda you are committing to going 30 straight days with absolutely no sips of soda.  No diet soda, no non-caffeinated soda, no fruit juice sodas, NO SODA!

It's a good idea to replace your soda habit with a healthy habit. Drinking more water is always a healthy choice! You can also add green smoothies, or water kefir to fill the soda void in your life.

If you are addicted to soda you are going to go through withdrawls. They will be awful, but all symptoms will be gone by week 2 and by then the benefits of living life without soda will be start to shine.

Dropping soda is the first step towards a healthier life. You can do this!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

What Exactly am I Doing by Dropping Sugar?

You are committing to going 30 straight days with absolutely no added sugar.

No eating anything that is or has in the ingredients: Sugar, brown sugar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup or any of the other sneaky sugar names - Anhydrous dextrose, cane crystals, cane sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup solids, crystal dextrose, evaporated cane juice, malt syrup and so on. This includes ANYTHING with that ingredient; you are not just giving up desserts, you are giving up 80% of all food products. You must read labels! Most brands of bread, mayonnaise, ketchup, juice, tomato sauce, salad dressings and so on have added sugar.

You are also committing to avoid eating out for 30 days. Unless you can guarantee the pizza or teriyaki sauce isn't sugar-free, you're going to have to make it yourself.

You are not giving up desserts! Recipes using honey, molasses, agave, and fruits are totally allowed and also delicious! You can make cookies, pies, cakes and brownies every night if you want. You are dropping sugar, not desserts!

Sugar addiction is a real thing. Going cold turkey off of sugar will send you into withdrawals. the worse your sugar habits, the worse he withdraws. Even the most severe sugar addict will be done with withdrawal symptoms by day 14. After that you will feel the benefits of dropping sugar and they are wonderful, numerous and life-changing.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How Do I Chose What to Drop and Add?

The idea behind Drop/Add is to assist you along the path of health.

The end goal is not to drop every single category in the Drop List, but for you to learn more about how your body reacts to certain toxins and food groups, and thus, be able to drop and add the best thing for your body.

The choice of what to Drop/Add is up to you. If you need some guidence, read on!


Drop soda first. Really. Soda is anti-health in liquid form. No matter what your goal - More energy, lose weight, healthy teeth, get a girlfriend, run a marathon, be the next American Ninja Warrior - the first step is to drop soda. Drinking soda more than once every few months is too much. If you find yourself with a soda in your hand a few times a week or more, chose to drop soda. You really can't continue on the path to health until soda has been eliminated.

If going 30 days without soda is not a challenge, consider dropping High Fructose Corn Syrup/ Artificial Dyes/Natural Flavors. It appears to be an intimidating category, but really all you have to do is read labels, avoid fast food, and make more food from scratch. If that sentence completely overwhelmed you, take a deep breath, lift up your chin, and drop High Fructose Corn Syrup/ Artificial Dyes/Natural Flavors. It will make a huge difference in your life. You can do this!

Dropping white flour is easy because it so easily replaced! Eat whole grain bread instead of white bread, brown rice instead of white rice, and whole grain tortillas instead of flour tortillas! Suddenly your world opens up: You can make recipes using quinoa, barley, steel cut oats and polenta. You realize the difference brown basmati makes in a recipe. Your calories are more filling, because whole grains are packed with are packed with protein, fiber, B vitamins, antioxidants, and trace minerals (iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium).

If you already avoid soda and processed foods, you are already miles ahead of those on the Standard American Diet. That's great! But let's keep going! You can feel so much better! Pick  meat, gluten or dairy to drop. Keep in mind you are only dropping it for 30 days to see how your body feels. If you like the changes, you can make it permanent. If you don't think the benefits are worth the changes, add it back in and drop something else. One women described how she could restrict calories, avoid processed foods, eat dark green vegetables and never indulge, but would lose weight at an excruciatingly slow pace. Once she dropped dairy, she lost weight faster and with a lot less effort.  The women she was talking to considered this, then said she was the same way, except with gluten instead of dairy. Both women had found the ideal category to drop for their unique body.

Sugar makes the biggest difference because it is in 80% of foods, The rewards make it worth it; clearer mind, more energy, and better memory just to name a few. Dropping sugar is one of the best health decisions you will ever make!


Green smoothies don't take a lot of time. They are easy to master and they taste delicious. It's a fast and tasty way to pack a lot dark green vegetables into your diet. Green Smoothies do need to be blended up to taste good (no one likes chunky pieces of kale in their smoothies!) so you do need a high-powered blender. think along the lines of Blendtech, Vitamix, Breville,  or Ninja. If you use a $20 blender from Wal-Mart you will not drink a green smoothie more than once.

Wanting more protein in your diet? Tired of feeling hungry all the time? Add dried beans.  Learning how to use dried beans will not only improve your health, but open up your recipe selection and save you money. The only equipment needed is a crockpot.

Adding vegetable centered meals will free you from your brainwashed notions about meals and open you up to more energy, clearer skin, improved immune system and overall a better way to live!

Kefir Grains are an incredible health secret. Both water kefir grains and milk kefir grains add probiotics to your diet. Probiotics are a vital part of health and can make the biggest difference when it comes to mood stability, anxiety, and overeating.

If you are looking for something super easy to add, turn to the ancient wisdom of our ancestors and add soaking.  Soaking all your grains, nuts, and beans  results in better nutrition, easy digestion, more energy and a clearer mind.

Sprouting is very simple and astonishingly good for you. It'sa simple way to connect you to with raw, living food that is bursting with nutrients.

Learning how to ferment foods will forever change the way you look and germs, sickness, and sauerkraut. The largest benefit of fermented food is probiotics; Probiotics make a big difference on the immune system, digestion, and anxiety.

Make your own sourdough starters! Did you know you can and should make bread without yeast? It's so much better for you! Pizza crusts, cinnamon rolls, breadsticks and toast all get a health boost when you make them without yeast from your own starter.

Drop/Add Health's Theory on Toxins

The human body is amazing at eliminating toxins.

 Living in today's world your body is being bombarded with toxins: polluted air, contaminated water, over-processed food. Every day you ingest, inhale, and absorb toxins into your body.

The body works to neutralize and eliminate toxins every single day, hour after hour. Your urinary tract, liver, colon, lungs, skin, and the mucosal linings in your nose and ears are all hard at work eliminating toxins.

If the body is dealing with too many toxins, it will break down. A constant and steady stream of toxins overwhelms the body. If your body can no longer eliminate all the toxins, it will start to store them.

The first line of defence is to surrounded the toxins with fat to protect your other cells, leading to health problems and metabolic diseases related to excess fat.

 The next defence your body has is to store toxins in cysts, lipomas, and other benign tumors. The body stores toxins in this way to protect the cells. If the body fails to protect the cells, the cells will mutate, causing diseases such as cancer.

 The more toxins, the sicker the body, the less toxins, the healthier the body. The type of sickness depends on the kind and amount of toxins and the individual.

 Dropping any toxin will improve your health, just as adding anything from the add list will build up your body, allowing it to eliminate more toxins.

 You can't eliminate all toxins from your environment and because the body is so good at dealing with toxins, eliminating all toxins is not the goal. The goal is to eliminate the toxins you can control and build up the health of your body so it can deal with the remaining toxins.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Drop/Add Health Philosophy

We are all on our own health journey. Drop/Add Health is a 30 day sprint that will propel you along your health journey. Commit to 30 days of change. Pick one thing to drop from your diet and one thing to add. Every day you'll learn more about your two choices, receive encouragement, support, recipes, and motivation.

You know your own body better than anyone. You are in charge of your body. You decide what to eliminate and what to add to your diet. Whatever you choose, you're on your way toward a healthier destination.

Drop Soda High Fructose Corn Syrup/Artificial Dyes/Natural Flavors White Flour Meat Gluten Dairy Sugar Add Green smoothies Dried Beans Vegetable centered meals Kefir Grains Soaking Sprouting Fermented Foods Yeast free bread